5th of Jully on Crni Vir was organised method feeder competition. We have story from the winner, Djole Pavlović
1 ST PLACE IN SECTOR AND 1ST PLACE ON THE LAKE , even this is only my second time on this lake and with new partner Stevan Vukčević, new member of the MGP Obrenovac team. This is our first competition where we fish together but still we succeed to have excellent result. Based on our experience from previous competitions, we defined strategy at the beginning and we did not changed it till the end. At the moment when there were no result we just push harder
We had excellent start, first hour or hour and half, we had fish in every throw. We fully used this , no missed hit no loosed fish. At the beginning we start to lead and that give us motivation for further hard work in this competition. Average fish was 1-3kg , there were small samples as well but couple buggers also.
Our first competitor has significantly lower number of fish but averge weight was bigger. Because of that we were tight till the middle of the competition. So , we could not relax and this was signal to press the peddle. At the end this gave result and we start to lead but the fight was uncertain ti ll the end. They had average fish 7-10kg and we know that that Crni Vir has significant number of quite big carps, so result can be changed in couple of minutes. From the beginning our tactics was to select two points for feeding and to focus on it till the end, with lot of quality spod. We started with two different type of food and with C1 and strawberry baits, considering that we had good results from the beginning we keep this baits till the end. I need to mention that fish is strong and till you do not put it in net you do not if it is 2kg or 5-6kg. Fish gives strong resistance so a lot o patience is needed for each fish. For me, personally, this is on of the most beautiful lakes for method fishing and result confirms that it suitable for me. Lake is well managed and surrounding is very nice. I would like to thank to all teams on fear competition, thanks to organist for excellent competition and congratulation to all sector winners. I need to mention AS Store from Obrenovac where we are supplying all food an equipment and As Method feeder which is our obligatory part of equipment.
I Naša prva konkurenija je imala dosta manji broj komada ali i dosta krupniju ribu. Zato smo do sredine takmičenja bili izjednačeni. Nismo smeli da se opustimo i to nam je bio podstrek da ubacimo u veću brzinu. Što je na kraju i urodili plodom, jer smo uspeli da se odlepimo, ali borba je bila jako neizvesna do samoga kraja. Prosek njihove ribe je bio od 7 do 10 kg, a svi znamo da u Kaću ima dosta jako krupnih primeraka, da se bukvalno u zadnjih pet minuta može sve promeniti. Deo taktike je bio da odaberemo 2 tačke za hranjenje od samoga početka, i da se fokusiramo na njih do samoga kraja, i naravno dosta kvalitetnog spoda. Krenuli smo sa dve različite hrane i sa mamacima C1 i Jagoda, na čemu smo ostali do samoga kraja, jer je od početka dalo rezultate. Moram napomenuti da je riba jako borbena, s obrizom da je komercijala, riba je stvarno u punoj snazi, i bukvalno dok je ne dovučete do meredova ne možete da znate da li je riba 2 kg ili od 5-6kg, pruža jako veliki otpor. Treba puno strpljenja za svaku ribu da se izvadi. Meni lično, ovo je jedna od najlepših voda za metod pecanje, a po rezultatima izgleda i da mi leži. Jezero je jako lepo organizovano, a i ambijent je fenomenalan. Zahvalio bih se svim kolegama na fer i korektnoj borbi, i naravno organizatorima koji su to sve organizovali na jednom jako visokom nivou. Čestitam pobednicima ostalih sektora. I naravno moram da napomene As radnju u Obrenovcu gde se snabdevamo sa priborom i hranom, I Metod As Hranilice, koje koristimo i koje su stvarno VRHUNSKE! BISTRO DO SLEDEĆEG KUPA U CRNOM VIRU!